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What is an Instant Exchange?Updated 24 days ago

At Untamed Petals, we want to make sure your shopping experience is seamless and stress-free—even when it comes to returns and exchanges. That’s why we offer Instant Exchange through our Returns portal.

Here’s how Instant Exchange works:

  1. Get Your New Item Faster: When you select an Instant Exchange, we’ll ship your replacement item right away (if it is in stock, or we will put it into production if it is a pre-order item)—no need to wait until we receive your original order.

  2. Temporary Hold on Your Payment Method: To ensure the return process is completed, a temporary hold will be placed on your payment method for the value of the replacement item. Don’t worry—this is not an actual charge unless the original item isn’t sent back to us.

  3. Return Your Original Item: Once we have confirmed your exchange order, you’ll have 14 days to send your original item back. If we don’t receive it within that time frame, the temporary hold will convert into a charge for the replacement item.

  4. Final Confirmation: After we receive and inspect the original item, the temporary hold is released, and the process is complete. It’s that easy!

Why Choose Instant Exchange?

  • Fast and Convenient: You can get the size, style, or product you need right away without waiting for the return process to finish.
  • Hassle-Free: The streamlined process means less waiting and more time enjoying your new item.

How to Start an Instant Exchange:

  1. Visit our Returns Portal.
  2. Select the item you wish to exchange and choose "Instant Exchange."
  3. Complete the process and get ready to receive your replacement item!

If you have any questions about Instant Exchanges or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team via our Help Center.

Thank you for choosing Untamed Petals. We’re here to ensure your bridal journey is as smooth and beautiful as possible!

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